Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cottage Weekend

Just the beginning of many more summers of fun!

Huggies commercial?

Hugs for Nana!

Tubing with Nana....
Love this! These two are the sweetest. They for sure have moments of hitting and fighting, but they are the best of buds. I can't imagine them not having each other.

Jack was not a huge fan of the life jacket!

Papa teaching the boys how to drive the boat

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


The summer has been flying by and keeping us super busy. I finally got around to downloading some pictures from my camera. These kiddos are cute but man do they keep us on our feet! Luckily the boys still take naps and give us a few hours of down time everyday. Very thankful for that!!! When they are awake it's non stop action.

Monday, July 2, 2012

More iPhone Pictures

Bike ride for ice cream!

Jack pretending to saw his cast off!

Too warm for clothes apparently...

Reid is not a big fan of wearing his diaper. This is how I found him the other night when I went to tuck him in. I'm not sure if they are ready to be potty trained or just don't want diapers on.

This is how I found Grace that same night as Reid. What is it with these kids?

Staring at the bunny in the neighbors yard. Hard to tell them apart in this one, but Reid is on the left.

We have gone to quite a few birthday parties this summer. The face painting is always a hit for Grace.